About Us

We strive to uplift spirits and create transformative change

Vivmat Babs Initiative is the culmination of a deeply personal journey. Born out of the founder’s profound love and respect for her aging parents, the organization emerged from a desire to extend that same level of care and support to others in similar circumstances. The journey began with a simple realization: that many elderly individuals and widows in our community face unique challenges and deserve dedicated assistance and empowerment.

Driven by this vision, Vivmat Babs Initiative was founded with a clear purpose: to provide comprehensive care, support, and empowerment to elderly individuals and widows, fostering a community where every person can age with dignity and grace. As we prepare to launch, our commitment to this mission remains unwavering, fueled by a passion for making a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Our History

Milestones and achievements along the way

Over the years, Vivmat Babs Initiative has evolved from a vision into a reality, guided by a steadfast commitment to its mission and values.


Securing nonprofit status and official recognition as a charitable organization.


Establishing partnerships with local community groups, businesses, and government agencies to expand reach and impact.


Developing and implementing innovative programs and services tailored to the unique needs of elderly individuals and widows.


Building a team of passionate volunteers and staff dedicated to the organization's mission and vision.


Garnering support and recognition from donors, supporters, and stakeholders who share in the organization's commitment to empowering and uplifting vulnerable members of our community.

Our Mission

Empowering elderly individuals and widows to live with dignity, purpose, and independence, while fostering a culture of respect, inclusion, and support.

Our Vision

To create a society where every elderly person and widow feels valued, supported, and empowered to lead fulfilling lives, surrounded by a caring community that recognizes and honors their contributions.


At Vivmat Babs Initiative, we believe in the power of collaboration and strategic partnerships to maximize our impact and reach. We are proud to collaborate with a diverse range of organizations, businesses, and government agencies who share our commitment to serving elderly individuals and widows in our community.

Local Community Centers

We partner with local community centers to expand access to our programs and services, reaching a broader audience of elderly individuals and widows who may benefit from our support.

Healthcare Providers

Collaboration with healthcare providers allows us to offer holistic care and support to our beneficiaries, ensuring that their medical needs are addressed in conjunction with our social and emotional services.

Financial Institutions

Partnering with financial institutions enables us to provide financial literacy workshops and resources to widows, empowering them to make informed decisions about their finances and secure their financial future.

Government Agencies

Working closely with government agencies allows us to advocate for policy changes and funding opportunities that support the needs of elderly individuals and widows in our community.